Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ingles died and Life is Good!

Muchas gracias for the pictures of Claire! She is gorgeous! I can't wait to get some hard copies so I can show them off to everyone! I'm glad to hear you all are doing well. Thanks for your letters this week. Malcolm, congrats on the tour in California! That is way exciting that it was sold out!

So right now, I am sitting in the laundry room...a basement type place, for anyone who hasn't been here, with about 100 or so machines all going at it is nice and hot. :) Oh, and I just finished putting some pictures in an envelope to send to Mom and know me, I love pictures :)

This week has been great. Full of spiritual experiences and fun times as well. Probably the most exciting thing from this last week was our "Ingles funeral". Yes, we can no longer speak English in the we held a funeral to pay our final respects. My comp gave the eulogy, the elders gave talks, we sang "each life that touches ours for good" and "God be with you till we meet again" as the hymns, and I did the special musical English tribute I wrote on the piano in about 5 minutes containing all of our favorite spanglish phrases. Then we took a walk out to the edge of the mtc campus where we buried English (a piece of paper with our favorite phrases on it :) It was pretty dang awesome, and I will record the song and send it home...though you have to understand spanglish so maybe Jessica can translate it for you :)

I think I have finally figured out how to infuse my personality into missionary work. It has been tough trying to know how to bring my outgoing-ness into the whole thing but this week has been good. We had a devotional on Sunday night where the international MTC director and his wife spoke. His wife was one of those ladies that tells stories basically exactly like I do...and it made me happy. I could tell that President Smith and his wife were just freaking out in their seats that she was a little wild (because they're really strict) but she had the spirit in her talk and I realized that the Lord needs all types of personalities in this work. He doesn't want people who are just serious or just wild but people who can take the spirit with them no matter what so that everyone can be reached in their own unique way. I loved it.

I learned something really cool during personal study this week. I bought a cheap copy of the BoM in Spanish this week to start reading and mark up all the words I don't know. The branch president promised us that if we would do that for 15 minutes a day, we would be fluent in the language by the time we finish the book. So I am doing it! But yeah, I started reading from the beginning and got through the first 3 chapters. I made an interesting realization about Laman and Lemuel. They had tons of spiritual witnesses of Christ, but every time they went back to their old ways afterward. Nephi, however, let the spiritual witnesses take place in his heart and change him. I thought about how often we are like Laman and Lemuel. How often have I been upset or discouraged, and the Lord demonstrates his hand in my life. I usually feel better for a bit but I eventually go back to my old ways and forget the witness. But I have had signs enough. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and that Jesus Christ knows everything I am going through. I want to be like Nephi and allow that witness to work in me so I never forget again.

Ok, that was my spiritual tangent. Now for some other stuff. Did you know that 2 ladies in Provo have a calling to come to the MTC once a week and teach sisters how to do make-up? Well, they do! And they give us each $200 of NuSkin make-up in the process! Haha, it was awesome. And Naomi Andersen (from HOBY) was at the same make-up class as me so it was wild and fun. I felt like back in Jr. High when we always had the Mary Kay parties and I was the guinea pig for the make-up. Haha, good times.

Well, that's about it for this week. Thank you for you continued support and love. Can I have Matt Hunt's address in SLC? I'd like to write him. Thanks! I know this is what the Lord wants me to be doing right now. As I've learned each week to rely more and more on the Lord, I have been feeling better and better about things. I miss you tons but I love you more!

Hermana Jackson

1 comment:

  1. As always, thank you for your insights and humble spirit.
